"Uncovered Scenes from Ukraine"
Plays by Sarah Congress '13 SUNY Purchase College
TANK 2024 International Human Rights Festival Climate Change Action
"Let's Write a Ten-Minute Play" Poets & Writers
Broadway World - The Players Theatre to Present 12th Annual Short Play Festival - BOO!
Now Write - Guest Post by Sarah Congress
HB Studio - The Angel Manual by Sarah Congress - HB Playwrights Reading Series
Columbia University School of the Arts - Sarah Congress's 'A Thanksgiving to Remember'
Columbia University School of the Arts - 'Fresh Kills' By Staff Member Sarah Congress
IANS life - A play to bring humor and warmth in these unsettling times
Selected as a finalist in the 2024 AP'N3 Film Challenge.
Finalist for the Smodcastle 37 Hour Film Challenge
Winner 2nd place AP in 3 Film Festival,
BEST COMEDY 2024 Jersey Shore Film Festival,
Selected to be Screened in the Bread & Roses Film Festival - Showroom, Asbury Park.
"It's Not Haunted Real Estate"